Chair of Programming Languages and AI

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BSc/MSc Theses

This is a (non-exclusive) list of thesis topics currently offered at PLAI. Additionally, other related topics may be available.

Please contact the mentioned person with a transcript of record and highlight all relevant experience related to the topic you are interested in for a BSc or MSc thesis. Also, please take note of the languages the person speaks.


In Progress

  • BSc Control-Flow Graph Recovery: Angr vs. Ghidra Sebastian Jänich
  • BSc Re-Evaluating Fuzzware for Linux-based firmware Sebastian Jänich
  • BSc Driller Sebastian Jänich
  • MSc Automated black-box adversarial prompting for large language models for Code Johannes Kinder
  • MSc Anomaly Detection for Log Messages from Multiple Sources Johannes Kinder
  • BSc Grammar-based Fuzzing using ML Johannes Kinder
  • MSc Symbolic Execution of Sanitizer Code in Web Applications Johannes Kinder
  • MSc LLM Automated black-box adversarial prompting for large language models Johannes Kinder
  • BSc Measuring CodeQL performance against obfuscation techniques Matías Gobbi
  • MSc Comprehensive Framework for Analyzing and Detecting Malicious Browser Extensions Matías Gobbi
  • MSc Classifying code modifications in npm packages Matías Gobbi
  • MSc Monitoring of the Node Package Manager Matías Gobbi
  • BSc Creating Rich Labels For Binary Functions Using Source Information Moritz Dannehl
  • BSc Re-Evaluating BinShot Moritz Dannehl
  • MSc Classical Machine Learning for Binary analysis Moritz Dannehl
  • BSc Concerning Call Targets in Transformer-based Architectures for Binary Function Modeling Moritz Dannehl
  • BSc Devising attacks against spectral analysis for clone detection Tristan Benoit
  • BSc Incorporating machine learning into spectral analysis for program clone detection Tristan Benoit
  • BSc Exploring possible functions names normalization for XFL Tristan Benoit
  • MSc Exploring possible features and architectures for DEXTER binary code embedding Tristan Benoit
  • BSc Optimal Placement of Memory Safety Checks in Control-Flow-Graphs Oliver Braunsdorf
  • BSc Evaluating and Optimizing the Inference Stage for BCSD Yunru Wang
  • MSc Generalizing Code Representations for Binary Code Similarity Detection Using Function Name Yunru Wang
  • BSc Revisiting IFDS Optimizations Tim Lange

Last update 11.12.2024