Chair of Programming Languages and AI

Breadcrumb Navigation




Professor Dr. Johannes Kinder

Prof. Dr. Johannes Kinder

Head of Group


j o h a n n e s . k i n d e r [at] lmu * de

Sven Strickroth

Prof. Dr. Sven Strickroth



s v e n . s t r i c k r o t h [at] ifi * lmu * de

François Bry

Prof. Dr. (i.R) François Bry


b r y [at] lmu * de

Administrative Staff

Elke Kroiß

Administrative Assistant


s e k r e t a r i a t [at] plai * ifi * lmu * de

Scientific Staff

Imen Azaiz

Imen Azaiz, M.Sc.

Doctoral Researcher


i m e n . a z a i z [at] ifi * lmu * de

Tristan Benoit

Tristan Benoit, Dr.

Postdoctoral Researcher


t r i s t a n . b e n o i t [at] ifi * lmu * de

Oliver Braunsdorf

Oliver Braunsdorf, M.Sc.

Doctoral Researcher


o l i v e r . b r a u n s d o r f [at] ifi * lmu * de

Moritz Dannehl

Moritz Dannehl, M.Sc.

Doctoral Researcher


m o r i t z . d a n n e h l [at] ifi * lmu * de

Armin Egetenmeier

Armin Egetenmeier, M.Sc.


a r m i n . e g e t e n m e i e r [at] ifi * lmu * de

Matías Gobbi

Matías Gobbi, Lic.

Doctoral Researcher


m a t i a s . g o b b i [at] ifi * lmu * de

Sebastian Jänich

Sebastian Jänich, M.Sc.

Doctoral Researcher


s e b a s t i a n . j a e n i c h [at] ifi * lmu * de

Kilian Rückschloß

Kilian Rückschloß, M.Sc.

Doctoral Researcher


k i l i a n . r u e c k s c h l o s s [at] ifi * lmu * de

Yunru Wang

Yunru Wang, MSc.

Doctoral Researcher


y u n r u . w a n g [at] ifi * lmu * de

Felix Weitkämper

Felix Weitkämper, DPhil (Oxon)

Postdoctoral Researcher


f e l i x . w e i t k a e m p e r [at] lmu * de

Technical Staff

Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Martin Josko

System Administrator


j o s k o [at] lmu * de