Binary Analysis with AI
The Binary Analysis with AI Praktikum allows students to explore the fascinating intersection of binary analysis and artificial intelligence. This praktikum aims to provide a solid foundation in binary analysis and machine learning, which can be valuable for various applications in the field of cybersecurity.
Students will first gain an overview of key AI applications in binary analysis and understand the general workflow. They will then delve into two main aspects: (1) binary code analysis and how to extract relevant structures and features, and (2) leveraging learning tasks to create better representations of binaries.
The primary task of this praktikum is to identify binary functions across different compiler settings, enabling more robust analysis. To solve this problem, students will develop their own machine learning-based binary code representations.
Language: English
Basic knowledge of machine learning
Familiarity with binary analysis concepts (e.g., disassembly, control flow analysis) is helpful but not mandatory
Proficiency in Python (experience with libraries such as NumPy, PyTorch, or TensorFlow is a plus)